****************************************************************************************** These routines allow for the use of CString as well as char [] for storage classes. There is some user intervention if the char [] is used since ClassWizzard does not seem to properly handle the initialization. There will be commented out lines inside the DDX/DDV area which will give you enough information to make the real line of code. Remember to move this line outside the ClassWizzard commented area. DirectoryDlgExists Used with the DlgDirList, this DDV/DDX routine validates the existance of a directory. If the directory does not exist the user will be prompted to create one. This routine uses special directory handling which is necessary for it to function with the DlgDirList family of functions. It will not function properly with stand-alone edit controls. DirectoryExists Used with the standard edit boxes, this DDV/DDX routine validates the existance of a directory. If the directory does not exist the user will be prompted to create one. DDX_ValidateDate Used with the standard edit boxes, this DDV/DDX routine validates a date value. Leap years are also validated correctly. DDX_ValidateTime Used with the standard edit boxes, this DDV/DDX routine validates a time value. The format is assumed to be 24 hour. ****************************************************************************************** There are two additional routines which move int and float values to/from an edit box. A special initiation value causes a blank edit control. DDX_SpecialInt Used when you wish to work with ints, having no range validation. If you set the value to -32767 then the editbox will be blank. If the editbox is left blank then a value of -32767 will be returned. DDX_SpecialFloat Used when you wish to work with floats, having no range validation. If you set the value to -65535 then the editbox will be blank. If the editbox is left blank then a value of -65535 will be returned. ****************************************************************************************** Lines to be added to APSTUDIO.INI If you have lines within the ExtraDDX section then adjust the values represented below accordingly. [ExtraDDX] ExtraDDXCount=10 ExtraDDX1=E;;DirectoryDlgExists;CString;"";DirectoryDlgExists;Used with DirDlgList ExtraDDX2=E;;DirectoryDlgExists;//char [_MAX_DIR+1];(char)0;DirectoryDlgExists;Used with DirDlgList ExtraDDX3=E;;DirectoryExists;CString;;DirectoryExists;Validates a directory name ExtraDDX4=E;;DirectoryExists;//char [_MAX_DIR+1];(char)0;DirectoryExists;Validates a directory name ExtraDDX5=E;;ValidateDate;CString;"TODAY";ValidateDate;Confirm the validity of a date ExtraDDX6=E;;ValidateDate;//char [11];//strcpy( , "TODAY");ValidateDate;Confirm the validity of a date ExtraDDX7=E;;ValidateTime;CString;"NOW";ValidateTime;Confirm the validity of a time ExtraDDX8=E;;ValidateTime;//char [6];//strcpy( , "NOW");ValidateTime;Confirm the validity of a time ExtraDDX9=E;;SpecialFloat;float;-65535;SpecialFloat;Special treatment of -65535, no validation ExtraDDX10=E;;SpecialInt;int;-32767;SpecialInt;Special treatment of -32767, no validation